
Hi, just Joined this community, I feel it will be valuable to me to read of people experiencing the same issues, I lost my wife 18 months ago after 53 years of marriage, she was my soulmate, She passed suddenly and it was an enormous shock, she took care of the finances and all the household. I was very lucky to have her , I find it very difficult to cope on my own. My life seems so empty without her. It’s the loneliness that gets to me, there are times when I’m feeling an enormous sadness. Life has become very difficult.

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I’m so sorry for your loss.

Do you not have friends or family you could reach out to?
Are there any bereavement support groups in your area.
I go to one once a week and it is really helping

You’ve done right coming on here.
We’re all like one big family, supporting each other and listening.
It’s helped me through some very dark times

Sending you a big hug :people_hugging: :hugs:


I have had several amounts of counselling and I have a bereavement group which I attend which helps

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I’m glad you’re not totally alone.
It is lonely without them isn’t it?
Even when you’re with people.
He never leaves my thoughts, not for a second.
I suppose that will never go away.


Hello, I am glad you found us, though sorry that you qualify. My husband died suddenly 4 weeks ago.
There is always someone here to listen. No judgement, just understanding.
I hope you find as much support here as I do.

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thank you for your kind words, and I’m sorry for your loss, I feel your pain, as the months have gone on. I’ve tried to manage my grief, but grief is something you never get over it. I’ve tried to get on with the normal life, whatever that might be now, I volunteer Two days a week to try and take my mind off my grief it does , The loss of a loved one is something you never come to terms with.

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So sorry for your loss this community helped me especially when can’t sleep on a aanight

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