
I am 41.
Three weeks ago i lost my 90 year old grandma to a heart attack which was a sudden shock the news was heard from my dad and came as a sudden shock she was in hospital care when she passed away to heaven. I felt very sad and lonely my parents have decided for the funeral service that I can stay overnight at their house and then be taken back to my home for this emotional family occasion. I don’t want any friction from them as i was a victim of domestic abuse when I lived with them.
I live alone in timperley Cheshire and my boyfriend lives locally and he is a great support keeping my spirits up i was just very uncommunicative in the initial period following her death to anybody after inheriting some personal items she owned.

Hello @SWEETWOMAN234 ,

I can see that you’re new to the community, so I wanted to say that I am so sorry for the loss of your grandma that brings you here.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that may help right now.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,


hi Alex

This year for christmas my parents have not bothered for some reason to wish my happy christmas or anything not a surprise really as i was the victim of a verbal gaslighting and domestic abuse from them both until i moved out a year ago after been driven crazy by my mums insane behaviour and my dads intent on getting me out of the house and threats of violence etc i havent seen them in person since october 2024 for the funeral of his mum and the abuse of power of attorney which i suspected for months was going from my dad to access my grandma bank account to use her funds for his own benefits, been given 24 hrs to find a house and a job and threats of violence and the arrest december 2023 from a verbal gaslighting attack from my mum refusing to let me have a shower and me almost passing out in the police van and not having a nice christmas really are really awful things to have gone through, then my car got stolen after having courtesy cars for a while the police only found it in April 2024 but then i wasnt the reg keeper the car was sold in an online scrap auction and now someone else owns it, I sometimes drive one of my boyfriends but this is shameful to even know happened.


It sounds like things are very tough right now, but please know that there is help out there.

You can always contact the police on 999 in an emergency or call 101 to report anything non-emergency.

If you are still struggling with your housing situation, please contact your local council to find out more information. Shelter has more information about this: Emergency housing from the council - Shelter England

It may also be helpful to speak with your GP and ask to be referred to counselling or support services in your local area.

Please do keep reaching out and take good care,

Sue Ryder Online Community team

Im happy where i live and been at my boyfriends locally this festive season and going home to check if i have received any post or xmas cards before going for a meal