It is my darling Peters 80th birthday today over 3yrs since i lost him and the pain that he isnt here to enjoy this milestone birthday people may think im strange but i bought him a birthday card and have put it beside his picture i have been getting on with my life but today has made me so upset and sad i have cried a lot i will be lighting a candle for him and toasting him on his special day. Much love to everyone on the forum. X


I am so sorry @Jen153 that you have such a sad day today, your husband’s 80th birthday, I don’t think it is strange at all that you bought him a birthday card.
Enjoy toasting him, I’m sure he will be with you.
Best wishes x


Sorry you have had a hard day. It’s not strange at all. My husband died in March and is his 60th on the 30 th July. I had a big 60th one made and had it at the celebration after the funeral and a lot of people wrote in it. I haven’t read it and am going to do so on his birthday. I also already have one which I had bought ready.


Dear Rome 18. Thank you for your kind words yes i do feel Peter is with me. So sorry for your lose it is hard what we have to go through with losing are beloved partners. Best Wishes to you. x

Dear Lou33 Thank you for your kind words thats a lovely idea to have a birthday card made for a special day i hadnt thought of that we would have had a big celebration for him as was unable to celebrate his life after the funeral as it was right in the middle of lockdown so i feel doubly cheated. So sorry for your lose it is so hard what we have to go through losing our beloved partners. X


@Jen153 Hi Jen, it is heartbreaking that you couldn’t have a celebration after. The rules for funerals during lockdown were awful. I lost my mum during that time too.
Hope you had your toast to your partner and hope you manage to have some better days x

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