Birthday without you

Today is my birthday without my beloved husband, when he was in the army i spent a few of my birthdays alone.

This year is different, after 22 years, itoday i know hes not coming home, the pain in my heart is excruciating, and i today i want him back more than ever.

The tears haven’t stopped since hes gone and I miss him everyday, today I want to crawl in a deep hole and never come out.

I don’t think the pain in my heart is ever going away and i just want to be with him


Hang on in there, light a candle later, and look up to the stars, he is out there, looking down, i believe this, i have a robin in my garden that sings and squeaks, i have bird feeders, this robin gets me up in the morning :sunrise_over_mountains: im sure its Becca. Xx keep in touch xx

I was 42 in december and my husband would have been 42 this january ! I lost him 3 years ago and its still so hard, We didnt get to share our 40th together ! Its rubbish ! I think about how many years i have left without him ! Ill bevan old lady when i see him again ha ha !

Aw bless you xx yer it is rubbish no one prepares us for what is a tough journey to go on without the ones we lost. And its so difficult when its a birthday, anniversary date of the death/ funeral.
Keep in touch your stonger than you think. Xx

I don’t feel strong, mark was the one who made me that way, he brought me out of my shell all these years

You are strong, it will come, xx