
My birthday today been nearly 6 months since Mick passed away. My kids have been brilliant but I can’t stop crying non stop.

I am so sorry for your loss & that today has been especially difficult. It’s understandable as we are used to being with our loved ones for birthdays etc. My darling 22 year old son suddenly passed away on 21st June, my birthday in July and his birthday in August were unbearable without him. I have no idea how I am still here or how I will get through the future x

Thinking of you Kim, and sending love, it’s so hard . :kissing_heart:

So sorry for your loss x the pain is so hard x

Thank you knew it would be hard but god really bad day. Hope your coping xx

Hi Kim, so sorry you’re having a bad day, I thought about you today as it is Saturday, didn’t realise it was your first birthday without Mick, all I can say is that I hope tomorrow is a better day.