
Hi everyone, my Birthday today, 69, Wow, lost Richard my partner a year ago, and my son 18 years ago, so I understand all the stages, the grief, loneliness, heartbreak, sadness, I know time doesn’t heal, but softens the edges, I know friends disappear, I know that every day, I put on a smile, try and go out, although leaving the house is hard, I now seem to have worries I didn’t have before, I try to keep busy, and I try very hard to be positive, and thank the universe for sending me Richard 12 years ago, when I never thought I could love, or be loved, but I found my soul mate, the one person who got me! This afternoon I went to bed, I just wanted to sleep, to wipe out today, we would have been doing something, laughing, smiling, looking forward, I did the same last year, our birthdays , Xmas all seem pointless now, how can it be enjoyed when the one person you want there is no longer, I could win a trillion pounds, but it wouldn’t mean a thing, because I couldn’t share it with my soulmate, or my son, it couldn’t bring back my health, to me the future just holds, getting through each day, just waiting till my time is called, I tell myself life is precious, neither of them wanted to go, but time when you live alone is your enemy, Weekends seem so long, the hype of Xmas will feel again hard, sorry, feeling , the only word is grey!


Hi so sorry for your losses. Every word you say is so true . Any special occasion means nothing now . Without the one person that got us . That loved us unconditionally . I might as well of died the day my hubby did . There is no life , no happiness, nothing . For me . I am empty inside . But also full of emotions . Xtake carex

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Hi thank you for reply, feel so alone, big hug x

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Special days are very difficult without the one person you want to share them with. I saw Christmas stuff in a shop on Saturday and felt like you just not interested and really can’t be bothered with it all but like last year which was my first it’ll come and go.
Take care x


Hi Barbara 61, last Xmas I was very unwell with a water infection, it just passed me by, I slept most of it for days, but also my heart was broken, our first Xmas apart, I think my whole being just wanted to hide, sending you a hug, thank you for replying x