
Hi my birthday is tomorrow, first one without him for nearly 30 years, I will miss the birthday in bed cuddle before he tries to make breakfast, the funny card as he knows I don’t do mushy, the making me feel special, the endless “I love yous” all day, then next month it would of been his, how do I get through these days.


So hard @Elsiejosie. I don’t have any answers I’m afraid. My first without hubby was only just over four weeks after he died and I was still numb. I can’t imagine this year will be any easier.

Sending hugs xxx

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Hi Elsiejosie
So sorry for your loss. I had my first birthday without my partner Phil last week. It was a hard day & there was lots of tears. I missed waking up & him being all excited for me to open my card. He would have made me a lovely breakfast & we probably would have gone fore a day out somewhere just the two of us. I have all the cards he has always sent me so I picked one out & I put that up with all the other cards I received. There is no right or wrong way for getting through the day you just have to do what’s best for you.
Sending big hugs
Net xx


Coming up to Viv’s birthday 3 years after her passing, I just lock the door and let no one in. It’s not good for you ( I don’t think) but we have to do what’s best for us even though it’s hard. Take care and be brave, so sorry for your loss. x

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I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you had support to get through the day. My birthday was last Thursday and I had my lovely family round me but the gap my husband has left just seemed so much bigger that day. It was very hard and there were lots of tears. All the firsts coming along this year are terrifying me. First birthdays, Easter (we always do an Easter Egg hunt in our garden for the children and 10 grandchildren), first anniversary of meeting him and wedding anniversary, first spring, summer and on and on it goes. It’s relentless. It’s constant waves of grief with all these other things adding to it. It really is amazing what the human body can stand when put to the test. Love to you all. Jean.