
It’s my Steves birthday tomorrow, used to call him polar bear because he never complained of the cold, it’s 5 months since he passed away, and I am getting more condolence cards, which are comforting to me because I thought people had forgotten about him altogether


Dear @Hazel4

How thoughtful and considerate that people are sending cards to remember your husband’s birthday tomorrow. It is comforting to you and will help you get through what can be a difficult day.

The Community will be thinking of you tomorrow.

Take care.


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@Hazel4 so hard to face each of those extra difficult days without our loved ones but how kind that others have recognised that.
Adding my love to theirs.
Karen xxx

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@Hazel4 Thinking of you today for your Steve’s birthday. Love and support xx


Sending love & strength on what is a hard day for you & Happy Birthday beyond the stars to your Steve :heart:xx

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