
Today my husband would have been 70 years old . Its almost 4 years since I lost him to covid but today as felt the worst yet. I have been in tears since I opened my eyes this morning. It would have been our wedding anniversary tomorrow 49 years . Why is this birthday and anniversary so much worse , they say time is a great healer but not for me :cry::cry:


So sorry for you … it must be hard and probably hit you the most because of the significance of the day … its really hard not having them in the house isnt it … i miss him being here so much … i got a one year old puppy who is amazing but still the human contact is hard not having them here. Take care xx

I also got a little dog which makes me get up out of bed every day but it’s just not the same as having your husband here to share your life . Just feeling so sorry for myself today life is just so hard :cry:


Its a bad day for you :frowning: look afyer yourself and try do something nice … sounds simple but can you get some lovely lavender to soak in the bath with … ? xxx

It is my husband’s 78 birthday on 7th Feb
He died at 76, 14 months ago. It is cold today but his marker needs sanding and staining again as it looks awful. I went to his grave and chucked old stuff. At one time we used to go away in holiday on his birthday. This was before he was too ill although he did used to still go when he wasn’t fit. But I recall him being in bed away. He was so brave. I will make him a new flower arrangement and card. We used to have a meal out. I feel so sad. He kept all the cards I gave him. Lots of treasures photos he used to keep safe.