Both parents gone

My dad passed away after long illness December 2019, and I was living back with my parents due to a marriage breakdown.
Me and my mum had planned to go away in 2020, somewhere he liked. She passed away August 2020. I find it so hard to think of anything in the future, even now.

The idea of planning your life ahead after losing people integral to it seems almost ridiculous.
But know they would still love you to travel. They would love you to live. I’m not sure if your parents were in anyway faithful, but my mum would say
“I won’t make it but nae bother- I’ll watch it through your eyes.”

My honest condolences and should you need to talk feel free to message


I can’t really help, but I lost my dad in dec 19 and mum in 20
I know how it feels, I’ve not reached any of my “adult” milestones, I’m not married haven’t got children, and I can’t imagine doing all those things without my parents…::
It’s so scary, but I’m told over time there’s more good days and less bad ones…

I’m sorry you’ve lost both your parents in a relatively short space of time. I must be hard.
I lost my Mum suddenly in Oct 2019 and my Dad twenty years previously. I lived with my Mum, so the house feels deadfully emptly. I’m just taking it one day at a time, but I’m hopeful that the longer days of summer might give a little boost. Personally, i don’t think my grief will be going away any time soon.
Take care.



Guessing your the same age as me,i will be 38 in March,both my parents are also gone.
Coming up to 4 years in August for my Mum,and 2 years in August for my Dad. Still feel so loss,and believe i will never be the same person again,feeling exactly how you feel. Sorry for you loss,here if you’d like to message me,Take Care,thoughts are with you,Lucy,xxx