Both parents now gone 😔

I was sure mam was going to make it too and then things happened that i think i shouldnt say on here. And she went. I suppose i was lucky (if you can call it that) as i got to spend10 days by her side. But eas sure shed make it.
Im angry and sad too. I was in denial whilst i wasnt working but now im back at work reality has hit and i think thats whats hit me more. I sleep well as i find that takes me away from this world.
My sister is the same only she never came to the funeral but dissed me all ovwr facebook and i even got horrid message of her boyfriend the night o got home from the hospital. My frinds were amazing, i cant complain but i feel now theyre done with my sadness. So im putting on a total front to make them less uncomfortable which makes me sadder.
I think reading people on here makes me realise im not wromg for feeling this sad.
Please reach out to me if you need to. I cant help any but i can be kind of a friend xx

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its the same with me. i dont know how to go on anymore. the last 3 years i was her full time carer as she was completely paralysed and also suffered from dementia which made it even more harder. my sister useless she nevwr supported me when i was taking care of mum. she was like it your job you supposed take care of her because she has kids and family, whereas i dont?

grief will always be hard, exhaustiong, tiring and leaving you fatigued etc i know that they things will get better as time goes on. i don’t think it gets better but because it will always be there but you can make it make it manageable. i am finding that to be quote difficult to because even after my mum died and has moved and being alive with horrible sister who doesnt care about me or mum and my friends well they were supportive at first but now they feel like i’m downer abd dont even message me because theyre worried they may say same thing. i mean none of them experienced loss of a parent, so they dont understand.

Eventhough, i don’t feel well physically or mentally. i feel like im forced to put up on front that all is okay and im fine. i feel like i dont slowly i’ll even start losing my friends that i have which aren’t that many and i hate have put put fake face on to show that im happy to fit in with the world and carrying on like nothing happened. This grief i have i feel has completely consumed me and im too tired to fight the world, its just exhausting.
my family had isolated me and i feel completely alone in this since after my mum passing i have no one. i just feel sad that i wish i had sister supported me and mum whilst she was alive. she always been selfish and cares about herself and no else and sadly my relationship will never me mended.

The thing you have to think is, you dont want that kind of person in your life. I know its sad cos, like me, youll see other siblings close. But ours are not worth it. Mams will os having to go thru the solicitors because we are both executors and i basically refuse to speak to her. Mams suneral was on 22nd and it eas betwren Christmas and new year she rang them. She couldnt wait. Shes had nothing to do with mam for 3 years ans probs more but cant wait to get money.
Some people are just jot jice or worth it no matter how much we want them to be.

Hi, I lost my dad 3 days ago. Its was sudden. I lost my mum in 2006 and all that time my bond with my dad grew even stronger but now he is gone and and now my family has ended and its just me and i miss him so much. I don’t think i will ever get over his loss eventhough deep down i knew he was tired and wanted to go. Because of that i take a small comfort but it is hard to deal with the loss and the waves of emotions are hard to deal with. Sending huge hugs on your loss.


Oh, dear, just three days ago, you must still be in shock. I’m so sorry. :heart: Like you, I relied so much on my dad when mum left us and now that he’s gone I’m in pieces. Don’t know if I’ll ever be able to put myself together.

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That’s the thing, isn’t it? I’m not sure I have the desire either. I don’t want this new normal. Losing someone you could be yourself with is such an enormous blow, a wrecking ball that demolishes your life. :heart:

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