Brave Step Forward

Today I took a huge step (for me) I sorted out some my husbands work suits shoes ties etc and have found a charity called suits for success, this helps people back into work by providing clothes haircuts etc for interviews and jobs, also found a charity that will take his books these will be sold to help an orphanage in Africa. It took many hours if me removing clothes crying putting them back time and time again , only made a little headway as everything piece had a memory, but it’s a start. Proud of myself , also proud my hubbys things will help others. Two steps forward one step back!

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Those are two monumental steps and how special to help others…your husband would be incredibly proud of you and you have made a lasting legacy for him. X

Thank you, I could hear his voice, scolding and encouraging me, a jumper I hated, tried for years to get rid of it, now it’s in my wardrobe to be worn on cold nights . I am pleased been dreading it but it has to be done and in a silly way it has helped to ease the pain as I know he would love the route I have taken. Thank you again for your support. X

Silverlady that’s amazing I was smiling as i read your post such amazing generosity and thoughtfulness in giving to charities that really need, as you say I’m sure your hubby will be proud of your huge achievement, it’s 14 weeks since my dad died and I couldn’t even think of doing that yet but it’s given me ideas of where to give when the time is right, wishing you well as you go through this journey

Hi thank you, I lost my dad on the 8/02/19 and my hubby on the 19/03/19, I have had 5 deaths in 5 months and one thing I have learnt is that you have to do things when you are ready, my hubby had a lot of things and I have had to sort things out away from the house, easy, his clothes are mother thing, I found that I was holding on to them because I could smell him, this was very detrimental to me, I have kept some of his things (I’m sat here in his pyjamas lol) but I knew that he would be happy with the charity route, I wish you well in your journey x