Broken after the loss of my19 year old son

I have just recently lost my 19 year old son in a RTA, life feels unbearable and I don’t know how to go on.


Loosing a child is heartbreaking, no parent should have to go through that, fate can be so cruel.
My own baby died some years ago, but I know he is with me in spirit.
Sending hugs of support.

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I lost my 16 year old son, coming up to six years in August, still feels like yesterday, he died the day before I was due to go in to have my daughter, my coping mechanisms was walking for miles everyday and girls kept me busy too, I had to keep my moments all in to myself and now just before Xmas last year I feel like I have hit a brick wall, nthin is helpn me, feel like my mental health is going down the drain, and it’s scaring life out of me, don’t know wat to do for the best so I get how your feeling, sending hugs


I lost my son 9 months ago at 31 years old and I like you are struggling everyday with the complete and utter loss of no longer having them here.
I share your pain and sadness.
No parent should ever lose a child,it’s the wrong way around but we have to remember them with all the love that they gave us and that we gave them.
Our beautiful sons xxx

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My son was 30 when killed crossing the road. Nearly 7 years ago, but still it hurts as much today as it did then.
It is so helpful to see someone else say they struggle everyday.
I have an ache that never goes away.

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My son was 30 when killed crossing the road.
Nearly 7 years ago, but still it hurts as much today as it did then.
I have an ache that never goes away.
I found it so hard to think about going on without him, but he would have wanted me to go on with life.
All I can really say is that I have found a new ‘normal’ in life, but i know my son is still with me, living in my heart.
There is really nothing I can say to help you but please know our children would not want us to not live our lives ‘happily’.
Keep talking about your son - this helped me.

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