Broken Dad - emotional drianed

Lost battle over children at ages 15, and 12, in court, not seen them in over 2 years. I have a new partner and 2 step children, but i feel like i have lost both children. They dont want to see me, have any contact or be part of my life. I am 100% a broken person, a broken partner, a broken step dad and a broken human. I dont know what to do to fix things with anyone in my life. I push close family and friends away. Im literally mentally and physically broken. Help

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Hello @Tommy90, thank you for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear about your situation.

Are you getting any support for yourself right now? The Dads Unlimited website lists some places that offer practical and emotional support.

It sounds like this is taking a big emotional toll on you. Please do consider making an appointment with your GP and telling them how are you are feeling. The Samaritans are always there to talk to on 116 123 as well, anytime of the day or night.

Take good care,

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Aw … im so sorry but at least you have a loving partner …youre so lucky to have that you know … i lost my husband 16 months ago - still missing him and havent met anybody else yet so its very difficult … all the best and hope you take the advice given to you by sue ryder …you need support at times like this xx