Broken heart syndrome

Hi I’m on antidepressants now so they have helped a bit but it still worries me that it’s something else. What medication did they put you on please @Susie3021

Thanks honey and hope that information helped you xx

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When my husband 1st passed i was given Zopiclone to help me sleep just for 2 weeks,
Then i was given Propranol to take for anxiety and mirtazapine to help,

I have stopped taking them and now on Amitriptyline to help with sleep and to help with my migraines,as they have got much worse and i suffered with nausea it got so bad i was ending going back to bed
I also have a low dose of Escitalopram ,

Take care x


@Susie3021 thank you, someone else I know is on propanalol too and swears by them. I’ll see what my doctor says.x

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You are welcome ,hopefully they will help,
My Doctor wants me to go in for a medication review to see how i am getting on with my medication
Take care
Sue x

Although I’ve lost my Mum I have also experienced pain in my heart/chest since and have had a few ecgs and blood tests and have taken myself to urgent care on a number of occasions , it can be really scary! Results always come back fine!

A few weeks ago I literally thought I was dying as I just felt awful, was super fatigued and genuinely felt like I had been hit by a truck! So I made an appointment where the doctor decided to book me in for a full blood count.

I ended up getting a text saying that my vitamin D levels were extremely low so ended up on tablets and I’ve started to feel a little better physically. I did some reading up and came across something that said that when we are in greif the body can struggle to absorb the vitamins our body needs!

I have spoke to my partners sister who had the same thing a while ago and she said she had chest pain when they were low.

I am still getting the pains, but not as much as I was but it’s still worrying me, I have a telephone appointment on Friday.

I thought I’d mention my experience so that you could ask for a full blood count as could be lacking something.

Bless you i can only imagine how difficult that must have been no wonder you are suffering with pains in your heart ,all the anxiety and stress
My son lives down in Devon which is over a 5 hours drive I will not drive that far on my own,he does visit but his life and work is down there,
My husband cousin has been so good to me She goes out once a week with me shopping or for a meal and i have a couple of good friends who check upon me ,
Not the same as having our husbands
Sometimes i feel like i will wake up and its all been a bad nightmare,
I am stressed trying to pick a gravestone out
For Dave,but i am sure i will sort it out soon ,
Do you manage to sleep ok at night?
I do not sleep very well
Sue x

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That’s nice that you have people to check on you and that you are getting out and about. Apart from work and shopping I’ve been out 5 times since losing Steve. The plot Steve’s son picked we couldn’t have a headstone so he’s just got a plaque. I’ve got a small urn in my bedroom and my beautiful memory bear. I’ve also made a memory wall and filled it with beautiful memory pictures. I’m due a review with my doctor about my medication too so I’ll mention the chest pains again. I don’t sleep great, I was having flashbacks and nightmares for weeks so it made me scared to go to sleep. I listen to meditation music now and that helps sometimes.x

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