Broken heart syndrome

Hi has anybody else experienced this? It’s so frightening and painful on times. I’m sure I’m making myself worse by worrying about but I’m convinced I’m having a heart attack. It’s been 7 months now since I lost my darling husband but these pains in my heart just aren’t going away. I know it’s still early days but it’s just awful and I think the loneliness is a killer too.


I think it’s called being heartbroken. I also have had a constant pain in my heart since it happened.


So sorry for your loss too. My doctor told me this too but it’s really scary isn’t it. I live alone and have no family close by and have never felt pain or loneliness like this :broken_heart:


Sorry was just about to advise you to visit GP but i can see you have already - its good that you got it checked out at least. Have they ruled out any underlying medical issue? :heart:


I only have my daughter, who is fantastic, but I also live alone. No other family to speak of apart from my mother who is 85, lives 140 miles away and is useless when it comes to dealing with death. Most of my friends have been great, thankfully.
I had forgotten the physical symptoms of grief, the upset stomach I got for the first 6 weeks, tinnitus in my right ear at night and of course the chest pain like a vice.
I’m sure it isn’t good for our overall health in the long term, but I really don’t care about that any more.


They haven’t done tests he just told me it’s common in heartbreak and because I saw my husband pass unexpectedly I’m suffering with trauma. I’m so tempted to go and ask for another opinion.x

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Hmm yes i would at least want an ecg and blood test just to rule out anything. Yes it could well be the impact of grief but if a patient comes in with chest pains it seems irresponsible not to check that out.


I had blood tests a few weeks before as I had a cancer scare so I don’t know if anything would’ve come up there? Or if they were just concentrating on my other issue.x

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Hi everyone I have a continuous pain in my heart and also was told it was a broken heart it just doesn’t go away the minute I wake up I have a dull ache in stomach it then rises to my heart it’s 1 year today May 1st that my husband passed had plenty of tears this morning but my daughter is making sure we keep busy so were off to do a bit of shopping stopping out then later off to the pub for late lunch then back to hers for a drink and listen to his heavy rock music :notes: take care all


Sending big hugs to you. Twice I’ve been tempted to go to hospital as it was so bad and really frightened me. My doctor said it’s common I’m trying not to worry about it but I can’t help it. Are you the same?


So thoughtful of your daughter to organise the day for you but still include a special memory. :heart:

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I’m the same every time I cry my heart aches with pain and so does my anxiety I get chest pains etc my grief is so deep and raw it’s killing me they say you can die of a broken heart :broken_heart: if it wasn’t for my girls I would have gone with my angel but for had other plans he suffered bad mental health aswell


If your dr thought you needed any treatment he wouldve given you it … its the pain of grief and it gets bit easier ya know. Im 16 months into this and it does ease up you know… youre still sad but you dont get the physical symptoms as much xx


I’ve pain and heart palpitations since my husband died from a heart attack. I also had a watch alert that my heart rate was raised but when I looked at the dates on the app for this it literally started the day he died. I assumed stress but did get it checked out. There was nothing picked up although I had to monitor my blood pressure for a while as that was also high. I think the stress physically and mentally is immense.


I agree … i had more things wrong with me since i lost him. Was never poorly before , developed hay fever, never had before , just had an infection … our bodies are run down arent they ? Nurse practitioner told me to start taking multi vitamins to try build myself up xx


I lost my husband 19 months ago and in the early days i thought i was having a heart attack had palpitations suffering with nausea,the doctor gave me medication as,they were panic attacks i had blisters coming out on my face ,could not eat
I still do have anxiety ,but i tend to go out for a walk if i get overwhelmed ,
Take care,


Yeh that really works a walk doesnt it ? I do that too … walk with my dog ! I was same thought i was having a heart attack so it was probably anxiety too - at the time i didnt care cos i wanted to go be with him anyway :frowning: x had bereavment counselling since then and its helped but feel at this point 17 months on i feel like i gone backwards lately - just not coping very well at all without his love x


I have not had any counselling as i could not
Face talking to someone face to face ,
I have text messages twice a week off Sue Ryder with give you tips on managing your grief ,
I totally understand when you say you feel like your going backwards,feel the same way,
Walking does help so much


You know you can get online bereavment counselling with sue ryder dont you? It helped me a lot but just feel stuck at moment … but i got a little plan going forward … im hoping it works xx

Thank you for the information ,may give it a go,
Take care ,hope your plan works out
Sue x

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