Broken Heart

Although the world keeps turning
And the sun comes up each day
Life has never been the same
Since you were called away.
You were such a special person
So gentle, good and kind
And have left the sweetest memories
And thoughts of you behind.
I only wish there was a way
That I could see you one more time
To thank you for the joy you brought
Into this life of mine.
Love and miss you so much Alan xx


What beautiful words.
Echoed in my heart

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Yes nice words
Yesterday I thought of you like I always do
You were beside me all the way
Throughout my lonesome day
I talked to you in my mind
I said thanks for being kind
And sorry for all the times I had been unkind
I wished you were still here and said it wasn’t fair that you were not sitting in your chair
I told you all about my day like I used to say
Remember when we walked along side by side well now it feels so lonely I miss you on the ride.