Broken Hearted

My lovely mam passed away on 28th December, my dad couldn’t go on without her and he passed away just three nights ago. We are heartbroken
My little granddaughter who is only five, was especially close to them both and is just bewildered. Can anyone recommend a good children’s book that explains grief that I could read with her?


I’m so sorry for your terrible loss. That’s a lot for someone to cope with.
If you type into the Amazon search bar children’s grief books, there are lots of good suggestions. I hope you find something that brings you both comfort. Take care x


@Dib so sorry to hear this what losses to deal with so close together. Heartbroken for you and your family, sending you strength to get through this. My mum passed away suddenly 29th Dec and that’s difficult enough.
Hugs to you and your family
Valda x

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Thank you so much. I just feel broken, I just have to focus on the fact that they’re together again xx

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Thank you for your kindness, I’ll have a look xx

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No problem. I lost my mum suddenly in June of last year. I was expecting her first granddaughter at the time and I’m always looking for ways to explain to my little girl how her nanny loves her without actually being here with her.
Obviously my little one doesn’t understand yet but I completely get your need to make your daughter understand that everything is going to be ok and that her grandparents are still an important part of her life.
I hope things get a little easier for you and your family soon x