
To no longer see your face breaks me every day
So suddenly you were taken that I didn’t get to say
Just how much I love you and that you were my life
The hurt I felt when you passed cut me like a knife
I’ll never be complete again, I never will be free
From this grief, a solid thing, deep inside of me
But I am in complete despair
My heart is beyond repair
I’ll smile if I have to, but that is just a mask
And I’ll say that I’m ok when people kindly ask
But I cannot be happy, it’s something that I lack
Never will I be whole again for I cannot get you back.


Thank you for sharing such powerful and meaningful words @sad2. We are all here for you, you are not alone.

Take care.


Thank you for your kind words Pepsi.
It’s not getting any easier and a very tearful day today.