
Lost my beautiful wife on the 21st of December 24 and tonight i was out of breath with grief after uploading one paticluar photo, i feel lost, broken, empty. My wife was fit, healthy and had so much left to give, the shock of her having an unexpected stroke is so hard to accept


@Scousebaz I’m so sorry for your loss. My wonderful husband passed on the 29th December at aged 56. I’m not sure I have much advice other than what I’ve been doing, taking one day at a time and when I feel the grief allowing it to happen, having a cry and then trying to pick myself up again. Do you have family and friends to support you?

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Yes i have two sons who have been brilliant and friends have rallied round, but when that wave hits, its tough. I never thought it would be me greaving the loss of my wife


Sorry for your loss too :people_hugging:

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@Scousebaz I lost my fit and healthy beautiful boyfriend on the 20th January, I’m still in shock I go from being so angry to uncontrollable crying. This pain hurts so much. I’m sorting out some clothes today to take to the funeral parlour…why is this happening? We should be watching TV together or going for walks. I miss him so much. I know in time it’ll get easier but I just wish he was here. I talk to him during the day, that brings me comfort and I cuddle his clothes…life’s very unfair but we just have to do our best to work through the grief :broken_heart:


5th Jan 24 for me… 24 years together and she died at 50 three weeks after diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Photos, clothes, videos I recall were horrifically painful to see. But after 6 months I could deal with photos and I can watch videos now a year on without being poleaxed. For me I identified the things that were really painful and I avoided them until I felt I had some capacity to cope.

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So sorry to hear of your loss & Pain x

I find photos a great comfort. Although they make me cry I really love to see my husbands smu
I’ve and remember the silly comments he would come out with. 8 months into grieving after he passed away with pancreatic cancer following a diagnosis just. 3 months before. No fairness in that and miss him now more than ever

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I lost my partner on this day too. It is completely devastating. I can’t describe the pain and dont understand how life will continue without him.
Sorry for your loss i feel your pain

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