Can GPs help?

Since my mum died almost 4 weeks ago I have been suffering from insomnia, I keep waking up throughout the night and not able to get to sleep again. I feel exhausted all the time and all churned up inside, get tearful regularly, feel depressed and feel that I am all alone. Do you think my GP will be sympathetic and offer support or just tell me to get on with it? I’ve never met my GP.
Thanks x


@Victoria22 a good GP should be sympathetic & empathetic but I’ve found it depends on their bedside manner. Unfortunately you won’t know for sure until your appointment. I booked an appointment after my Dad died last year with the Dr that is known to be abrasive (only one available) & he couldn’t have been nicer to my new circumstances so it’s worth a try. X


It’s hard to know. I think most will be sympathetic, but there are exceptions. Still, even if they are difficult to talk to, they could help by giving you something that makes it easier to sleep, so it’s worth a try.

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My GP has been absolutely brilliant, she’s been seeing me at least once a month and has always said if I need her urgently they will arrange for me to see her straight away. I have needed antidepressants, they have helped me sleep better. I would just go in and be totally honest about how you’re feeling, both physically and mentally. Mental health is seen just as important as physical health these days, I’m so glad I have such a great GP. Also this was the first time I had seen my GP as we had moved so I wasn’t sure what help I’d get.

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