Can I Carry on Jim's hobby

Every time I go outside I see Jim’s garden railway I don’t want to get rid he loved his trains , can I do it it might be nice to carry on his passion and keep it alive here’s some pics of it


Hi @Misprint

That railway is amazing and yes you should carry on with his passion. You may even feel closer to Jim continuing with the railway he so loved.

It would be a lovely thing to do to keep his memory live. You can add to it. You must share photos for us all to see. My husband has an indoor model railway and sometimes I go and have a ‘play’ and get the trains going and move buildings around. Very therapeutic too.

Go for it, you can do it and will discover a new hobby too.

Take care.

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That looks fantastic. I’m sure you could do it and you’d feel close to Jim at the same time xx


Thank you everyone for your kind words yes I think I will get some comfort in it. Hope I can do him justice with it and keep it alive


It’s amazing @Misprint a real work of art. It would be fitting to his passion and memory if you could keep it going.
My husband had so many hobbies but I can’t keep them going & have no idea what to do with rooms & garages & attics full of his stuff. So I will do nothing.

That would be a wonderful thing to do - it would keep you busy and also give enjoyment to others - he must have had a lot of hours of enjoyment to create something so detailed and lovely it’s a credit to him. My husbands passion was our garden and since he passed away last April my daughters and helpers have tried to tend it but we aren’t doing as well as he did. We will continue on and hope we get better at it in 2022!!!

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