Can you help us improve our online information?


We’re reviewing our online information on ‘What to say to someone who is grieving’ and would like ask you a few questions to make sure it’s as helpful as possible.

Your words could be really comforting and informative for people supporting grieving friends and family.

We wont be able to use everyone’s answers in the final version of the page, but we will read and reflect on them all.

If you’d like to help, please click the link below:

Thank you :blue_heart:


Done. :yellow_heart:

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Completed, hopefully it is helpful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks so much @Katyh and @Burgled :blue_heart:


Done, thanks :blush:

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Thank you to everyone who shared your experience for our ‘What to say to someone who is grieving article’. We’ve now added some of your quotes to the article. We know reading real life quotes from people with direct experience of grief helps people feel comforted and less alone. So thank you so much.

If you see your quote on the page and are having second thoughts about sharing your experience, do let us know and we will get it take down.

You can read the article here: What to say to someone who is grieving | Sue Ryder

Thanks again and take care :blue_heart: