Candle lit

Candle lit at 7pm for the first Christmas without Dad, who sadly passed on 29/12/22
Sending love to everyone and comforting to have been part of people doing this


Hi @Jul,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community, it is such a lovely way to remember your dad :blue_heart:

Take good care,

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I lit my 2 last night.
Dad 2/12/22
Mum 8/1/23

My heart is still broken and i think always will be.

Sending you love and peace at Christmas


@Jul lit my candle last night for my mum who is the same date 29/12, it’s a double whammy for this time of the year trying to get through Xmas then the first anniversary.
@Annie46 thoughts with you also losing both in a short space of time.
Hugs to both of you :sparkling_heart:

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So sorry you lost your mom on the same date, I understand and feel your pain, as got very upset leading upto Christmas as last year buying presents to give to them, but this year for on the Grave, then we have Christmas Day and then the 29th as well, then new year without them, but I kept on telling myself today my dad loved people, loved having a laugh and a joke and he would have told me off being upset all day, so i decided to sing this evening, tv karaoke program, I am a terrible singer, but my dad would have been in tears of laughter, so we have to also remember the good times as well and it’s good to talk to people and let out emotions when you need to as well x sending you my love

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