
I lost my beloved husband 13 months ago, the pain sometimes still overwhelms me at times. The bereavement group I belomged to (via zoom) called it being ambushed by grief. A Christian author also said something thst touched my heart. He wrote “nothing is sadder than when someone you know becomes someone you knew”!! He has written some wonderful books which I have found very helpful. If you go to amazon and put Gary Roe you should find them. I shall be lightinting my candle but as I am in the states at the moment with my son it will be 2pm here xxx


Pam, I know just how you feel and if it helps there are so many of us all trying to deal with this big black hole. I am not at home but managed to light my candle a little later and 2 hours ahead of uk time and our son turned it off not knowing why it was lite. Hope 2022 turns out bet for all of us. Stay safe. S xxx