Can't believe they are dead

@kat1984 At the end of the day it’s whatever you feel comfortable doing. I have known quite a few genuine and sincere people who are involved with Spiritualist churches and whilst I personally have never had any experience of Spirit or evidence of an afterlife, I can see how it can be comforting for people who have suffered loss. Whatever you decide I hope it brings you some comfort and peace.

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Hi me too ! How can he be dead ! Gone !
I know he’s and not coming home !
But how do you get you heart to catch up with my brain ?
Very hard



Im 11 weeks into this nightmare and despite having the funeral, the ashes at home part of me is still waiting for Jane to walk through the door, when my sensible head is on then i can see she is gone, more often than not i keep hoping this is a bad dream that im having and when i wake up it will all be normal. My heart physically aches for Jane and my head cant work out how we have gone from having nice beach holidays to Jane now sitting in an urn :broken_heart::broken_heart:


Hi I’m the same 11 weeks ! Although Scott was terminal he didn’t die from the cancer ! It was a fall and sepsis but he always bounced back !
He went off in an ambulance and returned to me in an urn !
I totally understand your pain !

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Jane was taken very suddenly, kissed her goodbye in the morning as i was off to work come home to find Jane collapsed on the floor having passed from a cardiac arrest.
Whole world changed on the turn of a door key. Totally lost, lonely and hurting in my existence thats supposed to be my life :broken_heart:


Jane the shock must be terrible! Least I had three years nearly to get sort of use to it ! But nothing prepares you for shock !
But that’s terrible for you so sad.
We had time of scans and chemo and radiotherapy then results but made life count in between.
But it’s never enough time together.
Scott was 51 and like you it’s so lovely now even with lots of friends and family 11 weeks in they don’t really want you and don’t know what to say too me anymore

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@Narna I said goodbye to my husband on the Saturday a week before Christmas to go to work. On the Sunday my son rang me to say that dad had collapsed. Time I got home he was gone. Just 53 years old. No closure and no answers. Just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. Life is so unfair and cruel. I had wrapped up his Christmas presents and I found my Christmas presents in the back room unwrapped. There was a card saying to my beautiful wife but sadly was written in by him. Can’t believe this has happened.
I’m so sorry for your loss :heart:Xx


I know how you feel, taken from us without any endings and the little things you never get to tell them. The only comfort i can take is it would have been sudden and Jane wouldn’t of known what happened, i will forever remember our last exchange that morning… i stroked her arm and said see you later and she said wheres my kiss so i kissed her in the dark and she said that was my nose, we both giggled and off to work i went looking forward to being back home with her :sob::broken_heart:
Im sorry about your loss, so many of us suffering this big hole left in our lives x