Cant change my calendar

My calendar in the kitchen is on June 2019 my husband always changed it every month he went into hospital on july 1st and died on the 3rd , I just could not change it every month and now I can’t take it down to replace it with this years. But it breaks my heart every time I see it so very sad today xxxx

hi Linda
life as we know it will never be the same,im living my life as if my best friend partner soulmate Jayne is with me in spirit.i need to do this Jayne was my world and if id of had any say I would of remained in the house we shared for 20 years,id of tried pass my test and had the car we had for 10 years .I wouldn’t of changed anything.sadly I didn’t have a choice was forced from mine and Jayne I for one would probably do the same as you.and keep the calendar as is.hope that you find ways to get through each day week month etc and do what makes you feel ok.i actually got loads of pleasure sending presents especially to the 4 girls who worked with and for Jayne at the company in Milton Keynes,this is because these ladies have donated and helped a couple of charities in Jaynes name and already sent them a bottle of wine and flowers each earlier in the year.Jayne work colleague Lina asked for me address.and I got a little thank card from them each of the 4 ladies had written a few words of thanks and stated how much Jayne meant to them and how they missed her and was happy to do so again in the future.i cried as I read their words and now the card as pride of place on my bedside table next to a few little cards and a picture of Jayne sorry for droning on.take care


Hi Ian thank you for your words I’m so sorry for all the troubles you’ve had with Jayne family my heart really does go out to you, it’s so very hard losing our loved ones without that added hurt, reading your posts over the last few weeks I can tell how much love there was between you and Jayne losing your home and car must have broken you but remember jayne is in your heart and no one can take her away from you.
I’m droning on now as well but the words we say do help each other well yours always help me take care, and yes I think I’ll keep the calendar up for now , linda

your very welcome Linda.
glad some of my posts make a difference,and I get some help reading yours and others posts knowing we are all in a similar place and hoping for help and advice that might get us through the days to come.
regards ian


Talking of calendars,Rob got me the Countryfile one as a Christmas present and I’m struggling to use it because he loved all the photos in it.Shall I try and use it or just get a new one?On the one hand I want to keep it but on the other,it reminds me too much of him.

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My husband got a desk calendar from work and it was a joke that he needed it more and when he retired early at 64, they made sure he still got the next year. Every morning he would tear off previous page. When I became ill and joined him the following year we laughed that I had to make sure I updated his diary so we knew what we were doing and planning. We had an amazing, just short of, 2 years, then suddenly he became unwell and I lost him after 6 weeks. In his drawer, his diaries are still there tracking every moment. But what makes my story very special is just after his first spirit birthday, I found a crumpled piece of paper on the kitchen floor…when I opened it, it was the 11/11/17 the day he’d torn off and he always always put it in the bin…not that one…it’s a treasured sign. One of many :blue_heart: