Cant cope

Its been two weeks since my wife passed away.funeral next week.i am really struggling with anxiety and being to make me.calm a bit

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The book "self help for you nerves’ by Claire weekes is excellent. Very old school but full of wisdom. It teaches you ‘to let time pass’ and ‘float through stress/anxiety’.
Also meditation music on youtube can be relaxing if you find one that suits you.
Walking is also a great way of getting rid of excess adrenaline.

Hi Allsopp,
The only thing that helped me a little bit was walking in the countryside. It’s a dreadful time when the hours seem endless. My neighbour left his radio on 24/7 when his wife died and that helped much as anything could. Wishing you well. Sadme

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I agree, I have many of times gone for a walk to listen to nature and take in the beauty of the country side. The radio has also helped me in the passed drift off to sleep.

Predictive text… past.

Yes agree. countryside walks are wonderful therapy. Listen to the sounds and sights of nature. It won’t cure the pain but it does give just a little respite. Better than all the medication. Some mornings I can hardly get out of bed, I hate these mornings but after I struggle out of bed and go out for a long walk with the dogs I can focus on the rest of the day. xxx

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Yes definitely, I am with you there and the dark nights and mornings do not help either. I love hearing the birds sing I find it very uplifting.

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Take your time, don’t push yourself, you want to stay in bed and be on your own…do it. A nice quiet walk and some fresh air is good but in your own time x

Gosh you will be struggling if its only 2 weeks. Its been 8 months for me and still feel like that. Don’t know what advice to give except to say everyone copes differently.

All I can say Allsop is hang on in there. The first weeks after I lost my partner were really rough and I was barely functioning. Thankfully I have two sons at home (aged 9 and 19 years old). So I had to get up to take my younger son to school. I promise things will get easier in time. I hope you have friends and family to support you. i don’t know how I would of coped up to now without mine. Its been almost three months since I lost Tom, my partner, so I am still recovering but I am getting better as each day passes. You will cope in time xxxx