Can't deal with it...

I cry throughout the day over both my deteriorating MS and the sudden and unexpected death of my Richard 74, ( he would have been 75 in eleven days ) of both my progressive MS and the loss of Richard, nothing can be done for either…I cant see ahead to any future…why was i not taken first…


Why does God take the good ones first…Outside is pouring with rain, of all the weathers my Richard did not like rain, but with all our weathers he always gave our three dogs their normal never to be missed walk, come rain or shine, snow or heat…I am just looking at the front door expecting him - them to walk in, as drowned rats, then after we would get the towels out to dry the dogs Richard would be in the kitchen mid-day getting his sandwich - snack ready, he was an old fashioned creature of habit…what i would give to see this again…just our every day occurrences that we so took for granted…


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Yes Jackie, how we took things for granted. I was the one that walked the dogs in all weathers and came home soaked or melting, whatever the weather but in the mornings Brian would cook his breakfast while I was out. You see I hate the smell of cooking in the mornings so he got on with it while I was out for a couple of hours. When I walked in he was making his third cup of tea or just finishing the washing up. He sat in his armchair and Beepa would jump onto his lap. Now it breaks my heart to see that lovely girl still jump onto his chair and lie there alone, refusing to move until her next walk or feed time. Brian was also a creature of habit and sometimes it drove me mad but I would give anything to have some of those habits back again.
Pouring with rain here also now just started so it’s come up from your end. So will have to wait until it stops before I can take my babies for their afternoon walk.
Love to you and thinking of you as usual
God bless
Pat xxxx

…cherish your babies because i would give absolutely anything to have my old - my past life back, ( with our then good health ) my Richard and my three dogs, the four loves of my life…I am struggling with the fact that they have now all gone and it is only me left here now, where did those happy and great and contented years go…


Hi Jackie, I will certainly take your advice and cherish my dogs. They are spoilt rotten although well trained and so friendly. I love them to bits…
Pat xxxx

I now have our springer spaniel, Polly, back home, our daughter brought her last Monday. She has never left my side since she came back, I too, love her to bits.
Earlier this morning I had a telephone call from one of the brokers I used to speak to every morning, this was when I was working. Norman found me via the website I had built in memory of my family, it only was meant to be a tribute to my grandparents and my mum and dad. A small one, but like Topsy it grew and grew. I had a lot of views which in turn put me in touch with people with whom I had lost contact.

…as you are aware, our dog number three is-was a springer spaniel X collie, or a sprollie as they are known…, he was one of the loves of my life…

Hello again, Jackie,
I have never heard of sprollies, it makes sense though. Our daughter has 2 dogs one is a springer spaniel called Ruby, her daughter Lucy is a sprocker.
Our grandson has 2 black labradors, called skye and zena, as you will tell, we are a family of animal lovers. x


My cheeky little Daisy, my reason for carrying on :heart_eyes: love her so much.


I too am a dog lover, a past dog owner of three, oh i have owned other dogs in the past also…If my Richard was here with me now he would inform you of the many times i had told him, my dogs-our dogs, i always would put first before him…he knew his place in our households pecking order, and he knew that I meant it, it was always a standing joke with us, he took it all in his stride…
Our past three dogs, my fur-babies were Petra, Megan and Benji…I miss all three so so much…

Your cheeky little Daisy is beautiful V. x

Your Daisy looks camera shy…our Benji was just the same, would run away as soon as he saw you pointing the camera at him, think it was the flash he never liked…all three of our now deceased dogs all had different personalities, all three i loved to bits…i am even now crying over the losses of them too as once i was living in a forever house with Richard and our-my three dogs, now all one by one have gone, i am the only one left…it will be my turn soon, at least i have seen the dogs out, this was something i had always said to my Richard, that " i want to see the dogs out before i go…" and i have, i did…although i never foresaw my Richard going before me also…


Thank you Mary she is a wee character and keeps me going.
How are you and Polly today? Is the adorable Jonty coming to see you this weekend?
V x

Hi Jackie,

I’m so sorry to hear about your losses. It’s ok to have days when you can’t deal with the bad stuff life has thrown at you. Everyone will have them from time to time. No one can escape the pain of loss - it’s certainly not easy to cope with either. Be kind to yourself and don’t feel bad about feeling down. Just let the tears flow. You are grieving more than just the loss of your partner. I’m sure you will have better days and in time you might even be able to feel gratitude for all the fantastic things that life has given you as well as the disappointments. Probably not right now whilst grief is so fresh but once you have got over the worst of it.

Talking about it with other people can really help - face to face or over the phone counselling can be really beneficial as well as bereavement groups. The other big advantage of these groups is they get you out and about meeting others. Not sure how mobile you are but getting to see other people is always a real boost. Even if it’s just out to a local cafe every day for a cuppa just to see a familiar face.

When someone dies your life changes so much - your routine and the things you relies on/took for granted, as you said. You have the opportunity to make a new routine now. The freedom can be daunting but it’s yours to decide.

Take care xx

Jackie. I think you are great for wanting to outlive your pets. That is love. Hugsx