Can't see my life ahead without her.

Been six months since my wife passed. I can’t live at the home we have, trying to see a future without her all i see is emptiness.


So sorry you’re in this position. It’s the worst. I’m sorry you feel you can’t live at home or see a way forward after 6 months. Life is so cruel but there is support here and glad reached out. I’ve just read your profile, I’m so very sorry for your losses.


I am so sorry for your loss and that you find yourself here @Andy1961 None of us wanted to belong to this group but we are because we share your feelings of loss and pain. Our new world does feel so empty without our partners, and it is so difficult to see a future. I take hope and strength from those who post on this site who are further along on this path, and are starting to find a way of managing their new life, of course their grief will always be with them, but it may not feel as raw as it once was It is early days for me too, so we can only take one step at a time, I hope by reading some of the posts you will find some comfort in them too. Sending you love xxx


Hi Andy1961. I will have see 3mths tomorrow since my wife passed. I think that we all experience grief in different ways. I truly get the not seeing a future without her, Im not ashamed to admit there were occasions where I have wanted not to be here and to be with my wife, however I think of all our good times together and keep going, that is what Hilary would have wanted.
I see emptiness and loneliness all the time, but I am trying to get on and just live. I have found having a routine and getting back to my walking has helped. It gives me time to be out in the fresh air, enjoying the sunshine and think about the love of my life and i just keep going.
Take care and best wishes


Thank you all for your replies, it’s humbling to have a community that are so caring and available to help. When sharon was diagnosed, we were told that she didn’t have long. At that point my dutie was to help her with all my heart and soul. We made a bucket list first was to get married, it was a fantanstic day second was to visit irland Ireland. So we bought a motorhome and spent five weeks touring there. Thethird was to be at the latitude festival ,we right next it and been going there since it started. The final wish was to be at home at the end. Many people won’t comprehend how i am so proud of sharon. I do draw comfort for the magic twenty years we had together. I had to say goodbye my best friend my lover my wife and my soul mate. I lost my three years old son to cancer before meeting sharon. I fear the future hence the not seeing it.


This is sharon


You have suffered two terrible losses many years apart but the pain from them both will probably intermingle.
You did amazingly to help your wife live the last bit of her life as she wanted. That is love for you.
My husband died suddenly with no warning but he was happy in his life and had a good last few months. We were very happy, had been able to have a lovely day or just over two weeks before he died. His last day playing his monthly golf just over a week before he died he won the front 9, the back 9 and the whole day. He was very happy about that. Our older daughter was engaged with the wedding date booked so life was good.

None of that makes losing them at easier but I consider myself very lucky to have had almost 29 years of very happy marriage to such a lovely, funny, hardworking man.

For me it is nearly a year since he died and the days generally are better than they were. I have a life, even though it’s not the life I was expecting or want but I will make the best of it I can. It’s hard looking in to the future so maybe don’t try to yet. Take one day, or even one part of the day, at a time. I can’t believe a year has nearly passed by doing that to begin with. I still don’t look too far ahead but it is easier than it was.

Karen xxx


Beautiful lady
This is my gorgeous fantastic wife sue who i lost on the first of February this year. So i can understand how you feel


I had 22years with my gorgeous fantastic wife sue.yes some days i don’t want to be here and with sue.but i made sue a promise to carry on being the person she made me into so i wont break my promise to sue. Just take it one day at a time


I lost my beautiful Mo, 5 weeks ago we were abroad when she collapsed and died with heart failure. We were due to have our 50th anniversary in July. she had suffered health problems for the last 10 years but always fought her way through, she was so brave. Her funeral was beautiful all arranged by our 2 sons and and daughter… it’s a week since and I feel totally lost, our house feels empty and days are a struggle. I miss her so much.


Sorry for your loss. I lost my gorgeous fantastic wife sue to pancreatic cancer which had spread to her lungs and liver on the first of February this. Feeling lost and alone. Even though family are really supportive


Sorry for your loss. I write this as i sit in my car alone, at one of our spots we would deive to.
My wife battled heart failure for nearly 10yrs and passed away peacfully in her sleep in January past-turns out she died of acute decompensated heart failure.
Its a cruel disease, to see a loved one slowly deteriorate and lose the abilty to walk even short distances, whilst taking so much medication, but kept smiling.
Yes the house is also empty and there are bad days, but I just keep going- its what my wife would have wanted me to do, it is hard losing her at 54yrs old.
Take care

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