cant sleep looking at my one drive

struggling to sleep.been looking at my one drive were ive loaded all the messages we sent to each other over the last 7 years from Jaynes mobiles.
reading them and know some were close to the last ever sent between us and realising some of the aches and pains Jayne was feeling was from the cancer.we were like 2 big kids at so many silly things we called each other in jest.i see Jaynes smile and imagine im hearing Jayne say the words she as written to me.tears rolling down my face thinking about how much I love this very very special lady,and how we was so inlove with each other.i found a picture,actually brought a little smile to my face.dont know if anyones ever played wii its were you have had controls and move the control in your hand to play tennis or some sport or other its virtual reality.well before you start the game you can make an image of the way youed like to look .well unless you’ve actually seen the options to build your own face etc you wouldn’t know what im rambling on about.
when id put built my was me Jayne my brother David and is partner Kellie.well Jayne and Kellie was in stitches laughing as when my characture walked out to line up for the 100 meters it lokked like a 1970s porn star.well the picture I found of me and Jayne well this is it.sure some will agree my picture isnt the best and I do look a little dodgy at least I didn’t have an afro lol.

cant believe I didn’t do my buttons up.see Jayne looks happy damn it I miss my baby so much.


… Ian forget your undone buttons, i am not focusing on them, only the happy smiling faces from the pair of you, the closeness of your bodies, both your warmth shines through, two people who share a close bond with each other, a love that says forever…two people that are comfortable with each other…It is truly a lovely photo…

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Ian, I agree with Jackie, this is such a beautiful photograph.
The goodness of your Jayne shines through, as does your’s. x


thank you very much Jackie and Mary.
beautiful words from to lovely people very much appreciated.

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You made such a handsome couple you can feel the love coming out the photo and your words say she is still in your heart and that’s where she will stay xxxx

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thank you very much Linda,your kind words are very much appreciated .