Can't take the pain

Dad died eight years ago, he was my world and feel he’s still here. Mom died 24th Jan, watching her was heartbreaking, nothing I could do, totally helpless and now there’s the pain, constant ache in heart and guilt that I couldn’t do more, thing’s I should have said, or want to say to her now. Around a fortnight ago my Sister was taken into Hospital, initially she was treated for Kidney Infection, then they said Cancer, it’s everywhere, terminal 3 to 6 months. Went to see her, she said the same thing as Mom “I’m scared”, what can I say, what can I do, nothing and don’t think I can take it again, watching someone I love die, sounds so selfish but the pain’s too much, want to go with her


I am so terribly sorry. at least, she has you. sorry you must be the strong one but how grateful are your family members to have you as a faithful friend. some things are unavoidable. all we can do is face them as courageously as we can. that is really the best that you can do. to do your duty to your family.


Thank you Berit, you’re right just an unavoidable part of life. Dont get down very often, was ment to be going to visit my Sister tomorrow but put it off till Thursday, can’t let her see me upset. She’s my big Sister, always strong and invincible and now she’s scared. Thanks again for your response, helps to know other’s understand.


My heart really goes out to you. Grief is horrific and to see your poor sister going through that vile disease is heartbreaking. Today i said my last goodbye to my amazing step dad. We got told 3 weeks ago he had cancer. Week later told he had weeks rather than months. He died a week later.

I know trying to be strong when you are in so much pain is horrendous. I was with my Step dad and seeing him deteriorate so quickly nearly killed me. But i sat with him and talked about happy times.
My heart really goes out to you.


So sorry for your loss, watching someone fade is truly heartbreaking, you were there for your Stepdad🤍 I’m like you, talk about happy times, or even make light of current situations, laughter gets you through. Don’t have children, can’t imagine the pain parents go through. When I wrote the first message was in a bad way, keep having suicidal thoughts but that’s no answer. Thanks for your reply, and again sorry for your loss


Please talk to someone, people around you would be heart broken if you felt like you couldnt cope. Your sister needs you and as hard and heart breaking as it is, she is frightened. When the very insensitive consultant told my step dad, me and my mam were with him. I had to run to bathroom and be sick. I felt like i was watching from outside…

I was broken, still am and dont think i will ever heal. But i had to be with him. When he came home i was at theres every day. I used to sit with him, or lie on his bed with him and the pain was unreal. Like living a nightmare.
My heart breaks for you, really does. Hope you have support around you.

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You’ve had a terrible time, stay close to your Mam and you’ll get through, remember the happy times and know your Stepdad is still there, watching over you. Doctor’s, Nurses can be, or at least seem to be insensitive, think a lot of it is to protect themselves, they sort of turn off emotion or they’d never survive, no excuse though, your family shouldn’t have been treated that way🥀 I’m off to the Hospital today, waiting to hear where my Sister will be going, hoping for a Hospice close to her children (grown up) who live in a different City. You just keep going, try to think of the happy times🤍

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