
Just summoned up the courage to read all the wonderful touching cards that people sent. I’ moved. And shed quite a few tears. Am now putting them away in a memory box. Have replaced them with a beautiful picture of Andy. I feel guilty for enjoying myself occasionally. Am going on a mystery tour tomorrow. Hopefully it will be fun. I am enjoying the u3a and am joining the local branch of the national trust. I don’t drive so these are great things for me. Is it normal that I should feel guilty for doing these things?


Dear @Camille58 I think it’s very admirable that you are making the most of your life, please dont feel guilty life is extremely short and if you can find a way through it then you go for it. Your husband will be proud and happy that you are living your life and I’m sure he is right by your side
I hope in time I find strength to do the same but it’s still early days for me and grief is only just taking its toll

I know what you mean. I visited my friend for a few days. Went to colchester zoo, a play and met with some other friends. I then came home where our friend is staying ,as he’s between houses, with his dog. I dreaded coming home to an empty house. But felt grateful they were there. You will get out when you are ready. I joined u3a which is excellent. Stay strong jen.