Celebrate the little wins

So, how about in the midst of our misery, we celebrate our achievements. No matter how small.

Today I turned on my husband’s laptop, for the third time in 5 months. I need to send a letter to a bank that I have been having problems with. I know I could write it by hand but I decided it was time to master the technology monster sitting where he left it.

I actually typed a letter, saved it and printed it. I have never done this before. I could have written 10 letters by hand in the time it took. Making the little arrow point at little icons and reading what popped up. I still don’t understand what they all meant, I just kept pointing until I found relevant descriptions.

No doubt this is a fairly pathetic achievement, but it made me happy.

Today, a letter. Tomorrow, who knows.


Well done Willow112….what a great idea……
I’ve been trying to sort out one thing a day for a few weeks now………today was the Council tax……oh what joy! :scream:
I’m not tech savvy at all….but yesterday actually managed to pay in a cheque on my phone………woo hoo!
Today the Council tax phone call fried my brain cells though…so I am already counting down to my can of beer this evening………
How sad is that!
On the down side….Im still in my pyjamas today………but I don’t care! :crazy_face:

Don’t undervalue your achievement. To do this with no one looking over your shoulder and instructing you is remarkable. I rarely use the laptop now and do just about everything on my iPad. I think if I were to write a letter on a pc now I would need to follow the same process as you. The only advantage I might have is knowing what the icons meant. Just a tip. Try and run something through the printer regularly or they jam up. The ink clogs. The trick is don’t be frightened of the computer.

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I am more than a little bit jealous. My council tax office have never answered the phone. And I didn’t know you could pay cheques in with a phone.
Well done, you.
Now I am going to have TWO cans of lager tonight. Don’t fancy fried brains though.

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Paying in a cheque is no small achievement. I worked in IT for 35 years. I had 2 cheques to pay in a few weeks after Norman died. It took me 2 hours and a call to the bank helpdesk. Still not sure why you photograph the back.

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The hardest part about paying in a cheque on your phone is photographing the blessed thing. The apps are very fussy.

Sandra, I’m glad it’s not just me….theres nothing on the blooming back so I’m mystified why you have to do it!
Mike did all the finances….so doing it all myself was the one thing that really scared me……I used to get panic attacks at the thought of sorting out all the bills……
Took me weeks to get the blooming laptop switched on……and find the password! Our daughter showed me how to use the scanner which was a lifesaver……
But we can do it……we just have to put on our big girl pants and carry on……

I refuse to wear big girl pants. A diamante thong is the way forward.

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I vaguely remember doing something on the back if you are signing over a cheque to someone else. We use so few cheques these days.

Today I celebrated a big success, well big too me, in the summer i bought a new car, dont really know what i was thinking its a technical thing! Does everything for itself, I was driving & the back windscreen wiper kept coming on now & again, wasn’t raining, got home, looked at the manual no wiser, looked at all the controls no wiser, hoped by switching it off & on it would correct itself it didn’t :disappointed: I thought no I’ve got to ask family which i hate doing, anyway there was a small button I pushed that & the wiper is sorted, somehow I must have pushed it accidentally lesson learnt, IVF been smiling all day that I sorted it without help :smiley::smiley::smiley:


Those little wins are what keeps us all going,
No matter how small,you will be getting a call from mr Zuckerberg next.Xx

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That’s great. All these things learned feel like a real triumph.

I have got a smartarse car that does everything on its own. No manual, it’s all online. The last time I drove a car properly, there was a key to turn it on and a gear box. The first time it switched itself off when it was idling I thought I had stalled it.
I only worked out the heater yesterday, the damn thing has been blasting me with cold air for 5 months. There is a/c, a heater and a fan. I was used to a single lever that was blue on one side and red on the other.

I have yet to explore the wipers. I hope I have the same success as you.

Yes mine was an online manual, I printed it off & put it in the glovebox :laughing: had to look up how to demist the windscreen yesterday, I worked it out but then realised if I hit the auto climate button it does whatever is needed :face_with_spiral_eyes: my old car was 16 years old so this new car is flipping scary but it has a heated front & rear windscreen yah! Yes a small win gives you such a lift, were our own champions now!. :+1:

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One of my cars bought new had inbuilt satnav. When delivered satnav was in German. Salesman didn’t know how to switch it to English. I speak a little German but managed to switch it to English. Trouble is you had to speak German to understand the instructions to switch languages. We had another car where sat nav was in Japanese. The salesman knew how to change that one thank god.


I never use cheques…but I do my mother in laws shopping on Amazon and she always gives me a cheque to pay me back! I hate them….takes me loads of tries to get the blooming photo right! :joy:

You just made my day……I pictured myself in a diamanté thong and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry! :scream::joy:

Always choose laughing when there’s a choice Lisa!
We have to get our fun where we can.
I think we all cry enough.

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Well done!

I didn’t even know you could pay in a cheque on your phone!

I bought my first ever Smart phone last month!