Changes after loss of mother

Hi Everyone, I’m 25 and lost my mum almost 3 years ago to Cancer very suddenly during covid. I am the first out of my small circle of friends to lose a parent and I’m finding it very hard to relate to any of them.

My best friend had a baby a few months ago and while I am absolutely overjoyed for her, I am also overcome with a very harsh feeling that I can’t really go and see her as she’s a mum now and I miss my own mum so much that it’s very hard to be near her. Has anyone experienced this before? If anyone has any tips, they will be much appreciated :heart:

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Hello @Kezc721, thank you for reaching out. I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum. Many of our members have sadly experienced the death of their mum and will understand some of what you’re going through.

I’m just giving this a little “bump” for you; hopefully someone will be along to offer their support.

Take good care,

Hi lovely. I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum. I lost my mum just over two years ago. Again like yourself around the whole covid time but totally unexpected. I have a son so I can’t relate to the fact of ur friends having kids and not being as available etc but due to being young, ish (34) none of my friends can understand what I have went through or continue to keep going through. All I can say is I’m here if you ever fancy a chat. Things haven’t gotten easier for me I don’t know about yourself but it is hard when there isn’t really people in a close circle that understand how u feel and what u have gone through.

Take care

Also, I get the being hard to be around “mums” like you say about visiting your friend. I struggle being around my partners mum. Knowing that I don’t get to see my own. Or like you say friends that are mums but still have their mum.