Chapel of Rest

I’m 17 days into loosing my dad. He was my world and we done a lot together. I went to see him again at the Chapel of rest, I just sit and talk to him and tell him how much I love him. I found it so hard to leave him today. I find it hard as I used to speak to him at least twice a day, if I didn’t see him, we only lived a mile apart. I still go to ring him at 7.30am each morning to check on him and ask him what plans he had for the day. I feel my security blanket has been ripped from me.


Hi @Kay55 ,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,

Aww Kayee my hear goes out to you. I am so so sorry for your loss.
went to see my mum at he chapel of rest and it was awful leaving her there. I just wanted to lift her up and take her home with me. Its so raw now for you so do whatever you can to get through each hour and each day. That’s all you can do at the moment.
It will take a long time just to even ease but it will ease just a little in time . i am 14 mths on after my mum passed but still cry every day over something that reminds me of her.
Keep posting on this site as others will reply to you and offer you love and support. Its a 24/7 site so anytime you feel alone just post whatever you want to say.
You are not alone in all this grief and you will get a bit stronger . Rest and look after yourself right now as you need to be as strong as you can to get through the next few weeks especially.
Thinking of you
Deborah x


Thank you. My heart goes out to you too. Your words are of comfort to me, knowing that there are other people out there that are going through the same.

I visited my mum three times, I don’t regret spending the time with her. I can’t do life without her :cry:

So sorry for your loss. I totally understand how you feel, I feel the same, I’m lost without my dad, I just don’t see the point in life


I also visited my mam three times, I actually miss going, her funeral was last Friday so I know I’ll never be able to see her, except hopefully in heaven :pray:


I lost my dad a week ago and am planning to go and see him at the chapel of rest next week, i am so scared :broken_heart:

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@Smc0082 Take someone with you is my advice. It can be quite a harrowing experience

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Don’t be scared, my dad looked so peaceful and relaxed, he is free from all the pain he was suffering. I went once with my brother, which was lovely. Then a couple of days later I went on my own. I just sat and talked to him, told him what I was doing, then talked about what his grandchildren and great grandchildren were doing. Like I said, it was hard to leave him, as I didn’t want him to be on his own.

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I would suggest going as I went 3 times and actually missed going after the funeral, you can finally say your goodbyes, everyone is different though so I would go with your gut feeling, take care :heart:

I went to see my mum at the Chapel of Rest. As I walked into the room and saw where she was I felt overwhelming sadness. I couldn’t believe I was actually visiting my mum in a chapel of Rest. When I saw her I wasn’t scared at all. I thought I would have been. But she was still my mum and looked the same as the night she passed away. I sat with her for ages . I put a card in with her thanking her for everything and a photo of my son who was very close to her. Also some flowers.
I felt I still had her even though she had passed. It was very tough leaving because I just wanted to pick her up and take her with me . Like Pixiecat said I too missed going to see her after the funeral and everything seemed so final and I had nowhere to go.
Do what your heart tells you to do.
Deborah x

I left daffodils, my mam always bought daffodils as soon as they arrived in the shops as she hated winter :broken_heart:

Aww daffs are my mums favourite flowers as we are welsh

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@Smc0082 I’ve been to see my Grandad, Nan and now my mum over the years. My mum died 3 weeks ago. I am so grateful I went to see her, I don’t regret it at all. Some look peaceful, some not so much but they don’t look scary they just don’t look like they are sleeping, mums mouth had changed a bit but once I got used to it I was ok and went back another 2 times.

Even if you stand at the door way and it takes you a while to to further in, or even if you can’t make it further in. It’s worth still going. You’ll get all the feelings, nervous, scared, anxiety. I was the same.

You can do this x

Totally agree Katie268,
Even standing at the back may be enough and worth it. Its a time for alone time with a loved one so it doesn’t matter where you sit stand or even whether you say anything. Its the time to reflect and the time for silence and for just being there in person with them. You don’t need words or actions . Simply being in the same room is enough.
Love Deborah x

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