Charity night

I’ve organised a charity night in memory of my husband, it’s for a local veteran welfare fund which he helped establish. It’s tonight and all though everything is organised and ready to go I’m not, I don’t think I can get through it. I’m wide awake stressing and overthinking it. I don’t think I’m emotionally ready for it



What a lovely thing to do. You are ready for it, your more than likely feeling anxious about it. Often the worry is worse than the actual situation you are worrying about. Maybe get there early to give yourself time to prepare mentally before people arrive. Take little breathers while there.

You’ll be fine! Let us know how you get on.

Good luck :four_leaf_clover::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Good morning @Katyh . I hope you managed to squeeze in a few hours of sleep. I trust there will be your friends there with you, stay close to them and allow them to care for you.

In my “do” for Penny (on what would have been our golden wedding) , I got so much care and hugs that I had no time to get emotional.

Never worry about what might happen, because it rarely does!

Be proud of what you are doing, he will be!!

Dear @Sah28
What a very special thing to do.
I m sure it went well .
Whether you decided to go or not … Whatever you decided would have been the right decision for you.
Bless you,
Love hugs and strength

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Hi @Sah28

Hope you are keeping well. Was just wondering how you got on?

It was hard our oldest son (22) was an emotional wreck our middle son (20) done amazing he called the raffle and auction (12 year old was with grandparents) but over all we raised just over £2200 x



Aww well done :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: you did so well.

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Well done. You should all be very proud.
That’s an amazing amount to raise .

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Thank you :kissing_heart: