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I forgot headgear, maybe a hairnet a la Ena Sharples?

Over curlers.

Yes! You have hit the nail on the head!
Curlers, it is, with a fag in the corner of my mouth!
I can see it all now, I could brandish a broom, with a spare toilet roll fed onto the handle. Perhaps a floral overall would be better than the cape?

I think we need to take a vote on this.
And, just to make it interesting, we’ll have a shilling on the side.

You have my vote.

Well that would be a sight to see,you as wonder mrs overall,me in my morris dancer outfit and Lyn as David Guetta.

Hello Jo
I have been reading the recent posts and every
One is so brave and trying their best.
I feel so rubbish because I am just stuck in what feels like limbo land.
I too walk around our house and see our things
just things I knew they were important as we worked for them and chose them every thing together but I never ever realised just how the effect of seeing them now on my own would be be.
I look in rooms and out of my window and again like a blow to my stomach know he never going to see any of it ever again.
I have hit what I read on here as a dip a very big
I call it heart ache and the realisation this is me now and I can’t change it.
It is our home and I feel the love here does love
stay in the very fabric of our home???
I think if I moved away I might feel better but
I know once done I can never get back.
Does any one else just suddenly start crying???
Then it stops and I think I am stronger !!
My friend said to me when you think of Sam
It means he is with you and is thinking of
I am unable to move his clothes and the ones on the bedroom chair i have just covered up.His watch where he left it on the bedside cabinet.
This is now 21 weeks.
Does anyone else cope with this.
I am so sorry to go on about all of this but no one else could possibly know what this is like
apart from you guys on here.
Love and comfort to all Doreen x


I know just how you feel. We don’t just lose them once, we lose them over and over again.
I know deep down that he has gone. But what I didn’t expect was that every memory of a place we went, a meal I cooked, a programme we watched, etc. etc., would be another little loss, another thing we would never do again. Yes, I could do it on my own, or with a friend, but what made it special and memorable is that I did it with him.


I can resonate with everything you say. I am exactly the same. A friend of mine who is six years in assures me that although it never goes away it does ease. Take Care. x


I am exactly the same. I have cried so much my eyes are causing problems. I just want to see his dear, kind face again, to feel his arms around me. I never had the chance to say goodbye. The urge to join him is sometimes overwhelming.


I didn’t think I had so many tears in me. They just creep up on me! I have never felt so sad and alone. 10 weeks of Hell.


Morning Dot
I dont think people are coping any better, I know I am not. I have had a bad few days especially in the evening and nights.
I also look around at the home we built but everything seems so un important.
Infact the memories of choosing things together are painful.
I haven’t got rid of anything of his as yet only medication.
Yes I cry at a moments notice.
You are doing as well as you can do at this time.
I was told to give myself credit for even doing the small things.
Hugs Jo xxx


I thought I was doing rather well,that is until I found a video on my wife’s phone of her teaching our grandson to bake and ice buns.
It destroyed me,oh well start back up the ladder again.


Sending you a hug :people_hugging:


Thank you,yesterday I didn’t think there was anything lower than bottom,but there is.


This old swamp has trenches at the bottom.
And mangrove roots that wrap around your ankles.
And videos and photos that bite you on the bum.

I think Benny Hill is lurking down there somewhere!

Grab our hands, my friend, we’ll haul you back up the ladder.

Onwards and upwards.


Thanks Jane.
Solid as ever, might need a bigger tug this time though.

Can I hold on too I am also struggling . I have had a few bad days. Its really hard trying to hold it together and move foward. Xxx


It is like being on a rollercoaster. The worst ride in the not so funfair. Anything and everything sets me off.


We will form a tug of war chain to pull out today’s flounderers. You will have to give me a few hours though. I just have to go and punch a bank manager in the face first.