Chat and support

It’s a little over 10 months since my husband died,eight weeks after his cancer diagnosis. Over the last week I have started to feel the grief getting more intense again.My tummy is in so many knots I don’t want to eat,which makes me feel worse.
Is this “normal”behaviour? I don’t want to see people but force myself out. I try to focus on the 50 years we had ….together and be positive,but it’s so hard….


79 posts were split to a new topic: Getting worse

It really is so upsetting isn’t it. I have a permanent sinking feeling. It still doesn’t seem real that he’s not able to come back. Its so so sad.


Hi it is I just wrote a email to work and broke down, yes it is so up setting I hate it been out now just want to not feel guilty about work I have no idea how long I will be able to stand it. I know it still feels as though she’s out and will be back soon. Family and friends all gone. God this is hard.


Hi Nuggets
this is awful to read, This cancer is awful, I have taken note of your positive things but it really is hard to move on, will try everything to get through work tomorrow but will feel so guilty being there. I will try my best to be positive but very raw and to be honest don’t know how long you can grieve for but cant switch off and on so will see how it goes. Thank you for your kind words. We were told she would be in pan but it took a turn for the worse it was so so quick, but you have gone through losing 2 people that is so so not fair. There are no words


Sending love to you, and everyone feeling the same. Even though it is over a year since my husband died, and just when I thought I had begun to feel I was coping alright, I feel now back to ‘square one’ as I realise that I have been trying to shelve my feelings, as I drove the few miles each day to look after my daughter’s dog and help her out, giving me a purpose to my life …now that our beautiful dog died last month, I feel no longer needed, and the pain and anxiety has become even worse than before.
I can relate so much to the anxiety and emptiness you are feeling - I have been persuaded by my daughters to see a private counsellor this week but I honestly feel that I just need more company and to be able to see and chat to people who understand.
I have made myself go to a seniors ballet class today, which was nice and at least an hour’s respite and have started salsa class on Thursday evenings - maybe if you like the idea of something like that it might be worth trying - (actually all kinds of things keep being suggested to me, by way of keeping going, but many just aren’t appealing!!!)
I know it sounds selfish, but when neighbours/friends/family are all going on trips/days out etc it makes me feel a bit jealous and more lonely but I know that many people in our position feel the same.
I am told things will get better, so here’s hoping that will be true very soon for you too!
Lots of love X


Hi Rosiejack, I wish you strength to get through tomorrow and I will be thinking of you.


It seems having a sense of humour even in grief and even being a bit risqué can cause some people offence,thank you I will now remove myself from this forum bye.


Oh no don’t go


I dont know what post you mean Ray but I dont think anything is worth leaving and losing support from. Hugs jo xxc


Sometimes Ron thats all we have left is a sense of humour and the ability to laugh at ourselves. I know without my sense of humor I would be knackerd. :upside_down_face:


A sense of humour is never a bad thing. Carry on posting because whatever keeps us all going is good! X


I am listening to my music and it really helps lift my spirits, this song is called …the Eyes of Truth by Enigma :hugs:


I lost my husband 20 months ago and I rarely post now, but still read posts quite often. I have done so more lately, in the main, to read yours and Willow’s responses. We all need people like you, who in their deepest grief, can bring a smile to many of us. Please don’t leave the forum @Ron11.


Please don’t leave. I enjoy your posts


It would be a shame if you stop posting, Ron. Anything that raises a smile is always welcome. It is a glimmer of hope in a very dark tunnel. We are all in the depths of despair and a bit of light relief now and then is an important reminder that life will get better eventually.
I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a swamp of misery, my kids deserve better and I appreciate anyone trying to drag me out, even for a few minutes. That’s long enough to take a deep breath before I get sucked back under.


Thank you for your posts of support and the many many PMs I’ve received.
It’s taken a while to compose myself.
I never thought trying to inject a touch of humour into our grief stricken lives would cause such a reaction.
But hey ho tomorrow’s another day in paradise or as Willow said the swamp,
Oh dear another joke.


Long may you continue to inject a little humour into our sad lives

Laughter is good for all of us

Thankyou @Ron11 for cheering us all
(well most of us)

Big hugs
X x


Ron the banter between you and Willow injects a touch of humour and normality into this long and lonely road I find myself on and I for one look forward to it.


Ron, if you’re trying to be funny, you better try harder.
Welcome back to the swamp.
Honestly, I take a couple of hours off to go to a Tai Chi class, and he’s off in a huff!
Too precious, by half.