Chat and support

Just had a thought you and I could become the bereavement Morecambe and Wise or Cannon and ball oh hell another joke.Xx


Alright then, but you have to be the short, fat, hairy one.
It’s only fair, because Eric Morcambe was a Luton Town Football Club fan. I live in Luton, (somebody has to).
Besides, Eric was the funnier of the two.


Well as meatloaf said,two outta three ain’t bad.


Thats right @Willow112 and @Ron11
You keep it going, we all need you
X x


We sure do , a little bit of humour is good for the soul. Hugs Jo xxx


Hi Jo

How you doing?
Haven’t spoken for a while

Liz x x

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Morning Liz
I am still struggling but just trying to take one day at a time.I am still very lonely and the tears fall readily but I am just taking the no tear periods as a win.
Hope you are ok .
Hugs Jo xxx

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Morning Jo

Like you I’m getting there, still have tears but not the uncontrollable sobbing of earlier days.
We have no choice but to try and move on do we?

Have the best day you can

Lovexand hugs
Liz x x


I am sitting here in floods of tears (mornings are not good) and on my 'phone appears a picture of a sunrise with the words “no matter how hard the storm the sun will always rise again”.
I would love to believe this but at the moment all I can think of is - my sunshine was taken away 12 weeks ago and it’s been “storm clouds” ever since.
My birthday tomorrow, 12 weeks to the day since my Bill left me. I’ll get through it, I have no choice, but I know the tears are going to fall, as they are at the moment.
I feet like the sun in my life will never shine again. :broken_heart:
Sending my love and hugs to everyone and hoping you are, maybe, in a better place. :heart::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


Oh @Harriet4Bill

I’m so sorry you’re feeling so low.

Just remember we’re here and we will all support you

Thinking of you

Big big hugs
Liz x x


Morning Harriet I find both mornings and nights the worst,I never thought I could feel so sad lonely and lost as I do.
Even when I am with ppl I still feel lonely, the best part of me is no longer here.
I hope we all find some happiness one day.
Hugs Jo xxxx


Hi Jo. I knew it would be difficult but I never, in my wildest dreams, thought it would be this hard. To love someone so much and suddenly they’re not there is :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:.
I know we all feel the same. I would have done anything for my Bill. I would have given him the world if I could and now I can’t do anything. Maybe I’m being over dramatic but life is pointless now.
I’m repeating myself again - so sorry.


Don’t be sorry about repeating yourself Harriet we are here for you. Sending you a hug🫂


Hi Harriet,
You have nothing to apologise for,that big rock you saw heading down the hill towards you after your husband died has turned into an avalanche,I know sometimes you can hardly breathe and pain can be overwhelming,I think after 20 weeks I have taken a very tiny baby step so maybe there is a glimmer of hope.
No matter how many times you repeat your friends on here will always support you.
A big cyber hug Ron.


Thank you, Ron. :people_hugging::people_hugging:


Thank you, Jane


Hi Harriet
Please don’t be sorry about repeating yourself, I do it all the time to everyone I meet/chat to.
I never thought it would be this hard either and just when you think you are feeling ok, the awful jitters and tearfulness comes back.
Much love to you and to all the people on here who we know understand. Xx


Hi harriet i went back to work today had to come home.
It is too much for any of us. I repeat myself all the time in here. I dread the comong months i really do. But we have to try goodness knows how dont know who was more nervous or them. X


Hi ron
We all beed something in our lives. Glad your back. Work awful had to leave early not too sure what on earth i will be doing as this has completely stopped my tracks i didnt know what seasoning logs were so had to ask someone didnt want to appear dumb asking you x


@Rosiejack I have been thinking about you today wondering how you were getting on.
Sorry it was awful for you. Sending a hug🫂