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Hi all, sometimes, find all these threads, confusing. Friday night, alone time again, hope you are finding some inner strength. We keep going, despite it all. This time next week, may well just be the loneliest , Friday of them all.
Take care.x


Hi Pete,

10 months down the line and I thought I was doing well. Major dip this week, anxiety and tears and worrying over everything.
I truly believe that there is a part of my being that is just dead and will remain so for ever.
I wonder what Martin would be thinking, is he urging me on, his he asking me to be happy. As I lost him suddenly there was no goodbyes or chance to reassure each other or advise on how to move forward. In fact if he was sitting somewhere now looking down on me I’m sure he would be as shocked as I am that this has happened. So unexpected.

He always wanted to be a grandad, his son is expecting his first child next year and I’m struggling to be happy about it as I just feel so sorry that Martin isn’t here to enjoy this good news.

Take care
Dee xx


My husband’s passing was sudden as well. I wonder what we would have said to each other if we had known. I just wish we could have one more conversation.


Spoke to granddaughter tonight,not seeing her over Christmas, going with her Dad, to different part of the country, she sounded excited, going to see Santa, made up she is happy, but I am heartbroken , that I will not see her, but I guess Nannie, will be watching, guiding over her.
Take care x

My husband was delighted when our first grandson was born. He absolutely adored him, visiting him everyday (or Whatsapp in first lockdown). I can understand your comments about the new grandchild as our son had a second son after my husband died. A bittersweet event, I cried with happiness and with heartbreak the first time I met him and the tears often continue to flow when I sit with both grandsons as they sleep and long for my husband to be here to share the joy.

I also never got to say goodbye and as Jules4 has said, oh to just have one more conversation.

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Shells birthday tomorrow ( would of bean) so not the easiest of days.
Take care all x


It will be a difficult day for you Pete. We think of them all the time, but even more so (if that’s possible) on what would have been their birthday.
My husband’s birthday would have been last week.
Totally understand your pain, take care xx

My son’s birthday was last week, 10 weeks after he died. He would have been 41. Such a difficult day. My heart is broken.

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Oh Sue, no wonder your heart is broken, my heart goes out to you. I’m so sorry for your dreadful loss xx

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