Chest feels heavy

I lost my mom 6 months back and I have understood grieving is the most difficult thing but it becomes even more difficult, when you feel guilt, regret and self blaming on it, I on this community try to tell people to feel better and offer some solutions but in reality I am still struggling and I am just not feeling that well. Although few things have helped but not entirely. Every morning I get up with anxiety and my chest feels heavy and feels I need to go to a doctor but then I think it is part of grieving. I have tried therapy and few other things, but nothing helps can someone help?


Hello @Varun,

I’m really sorry that you’re struggling so much right now. The kind of feelings you’re describing can be part of the physical symptoms of grief, as you have mentioned. In our article, we talk about some of those symptoms, like:

  • feeling exhausted and as if it’s too much effort to do anything, such as talking or eating
  • comfort eating or struggling to eat much at all
  • finding it hard to sleep because of nightmares, disturbed sleep or dreams about the person who has died
  • having panic attacks or feeling anxious, worried, scared, shaky or lacking in confidence
  • feeling as if there’s a weight on your chest
  • feeling forgetful; for example, you may find that you forget things like how to make a cup of tea at first.

However, chest pain can have lots of causes, so it’s always best to get it checked out. It might be a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor. It may help put your mind at rest a bit.

Take care,

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Hi. Like you I’ve tried to offer comfort to others here and have none to offer to myself. I wish I had advice for you, but I wake up with anxiety and struggle with guilt and self-blaming every single day too, since losing my dad. :pensive: I’m going to attempt something new with my counsellor this week, I’ll write again if I notice it helps even a little. For now, I can only say that I hear you and I emphasise. :heart:


Thankyou and please do let me know if you find a solution

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Dear @Varun grief is tough and it has so many different ways of expressing itself. You have always been there for others but I think now it is time for you to prioritise your own needs. You are important, as well as your grief is important.
My grief has started to express itself in physical symptoms and it is hard to cope with. I have opened up to others how hard the struggle is, which is not easy to do. It feels comforting that my closest people know how hard it is for me at the moment and their responses have been so supportive and validating. And I know this is a phase that will pass. I also journal a lot to get everything out of me.
I hope you find a way that helps for you as it is all so personal. Trust yourself and try not to pressure yourself too much. X

I’ve been feeling the same, I lost my mum 3 months ago. I have days when things are going ok, usually when I am doing a lot so it takes my mind off things. Unfortunately I’ve lost all confidence in my GPs and anyone medical since mum died. Sending a virtual hug xx

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Same. UK healthcare has been shot to pieces.

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Thankyou for your kind words, what you said is right and it is a phase that will pass.
You are a good person @nadine1

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It is tough, thankyou for commenting

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