
its been just over a week since i lost my dad . i have sponsored a guide dog in memory of him He would have loved that . I have sponsored trees being planted .It all helps . I light a candle everyday for my dad . But next week is his funeral . I want to see him in the funeral palour but am going to have to go on my own . There is no one to go with me . My family are pulling themost nasty of stunts to me and there is no one else ,
i really want to see him but dont think i can cope on my own

Dear @chiara, I’m so sorry to read your family are pulling stunts at a time like this. I lost my husband 5 weeks ago and my daughters did and still are being cruel.
I went to visit my husband in the funeral home and I can say the undertaker that looked after me was so kind. She spent time preparing me before I went to the room and then held my hand the whole time, hugged me when I cried and made sure I was ok before I left.
Maybe ring ahead and make sure you can get the support that I was given. I hope you get the comfort you need
Jen x