Children grieving daddy so difficult

My 39 year old husband died very suddenly on 31st May from a brain haemorrhage. I’m struggling to cope with my two young Children’s grief on top of my own. Feel like our whole world has imploded. They both cry at bedtime nightly about wanting daddy, I’m trying to settle them, but end up crying along with them. It’s become our nightly routine and I’m exhausted. I miss my husband so much, I never wanted to be a single mum and I can’t cope. I know it’s not fixable … just letting off some ste. This is all just awful and I hate that my kids are having to deal with this at six and four.


Bless you it must be extremely hard for you the grief of losing your husband is bad enough on it’s own without 2 young children to care and console for too, reach out to local counselling/grief support groups and/or your GP, some out there can be very good and helpful, it’s still very early days and it’s going to be a long hard road for you all, I’m sure you’re doing the best you can under the circumstances, but if you ever need to get anything off your chest, just rant, rave, scream then come and let it all out here in this group, don’t ever feel you are alone in this journey we are all here for each other.

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No help to offer but wanted to send love to you. It must seem so impossible to help them whilst trying to deal with your own terrible grief.

My learning disabled daughter actually helps me as her way of looking at the world is so different from mine and my other daughter 's.

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Hello @Hen, I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. You are not alone.

It must be so difficult to support your grieving children while grieving yourself. It is so much to cope with, so I wanted to share some resources with you which may be able to help.

Winston’s Wish provides emotional and practical bereavement support to children, young people and their families. You can get support here.

You might also wish to explore WAY (Widowed and Young). They have support groups where you can meet other people in your situation.

I hope these suggestions are helpful - please do keep reaching out here, we are listening.

Take care

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Thank you all for your comments, I’ll look into all of these options. It’s all just so overwhelming :disappointed:


Hi hen, hope you and kids are doing OK (as can be).

Firstly sending my condolences to you and you family on your loss. Absolutely heartbreaking.

Your story is very similar to mine, my partner who was 36 suddenly passed away in Feb this year. My daughter had turned 4 in the Dec. I can totally relate to you, she’s been having the meltdowns asking for daddy and as you said you end up crying with them. It’s so hard to deal with our own grief but then still have to me mummy and put on a brave face.

You can inbox me at any time.
Sending you a big massive hug and love to your kids

Claire xxx


So sorry to hear you’re going through similar. It’s all completely heartbreaking :broken_heart: I appreciate that, thank you. It’s just unbelievable that this can happen, I still can’t process, and as you say, trying to be mum makes it so much worse. Seeing the kids trying to deal with daddy being there one minute and not the next is so horrendous :disappointed:

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