Christmas and children

I lost my mum nearly a year ago now. It hurts still so much emotionally and its tiring. I have a young daughter and i just cannot get into the spirit of Christmas and just feel like i cant be bothered but at the same time want her to feel the magic i just cant be jolly its very difficult


@Marie17 I hear you…:cry: This will be my first Xmas without my Mum too and I am finding it very emotional already! As a parent, I hope you somehow find the strength to give your daughter a little Xmas cheer. I plan to carry on as if my Mum was still here so going through the motions of the usual festivities. It’s all very nostalgic and reminds me of the love that I was fortunate to have had from her. Take care xx


I know how your feeling I don’t want to do Christmas either but I have 2 girls 12 and 14 and my dad who is 91 and I need to create something out of this sadness we are all feeling so my mum can look down and be proud of us of me.