christmas and jjuggling all the issues

its been 4 months since mum died and everything is a struggle with xmas coming up decided to visit a relative with my dad but they too lost my dads brother 2 years ago. and its dealing with the grief of mine, dads and in the company of other relatives. its turning to just wanting the 48hrs to pass quick. i know peope say form your own new type of xmas but i cant see past the pointless ness. mum was never big in xmas but did traditional stuff and presents and dinner queens speach and the whole day because and for us kids.

Hello @CHIP21, I’m sorry it’s taken a little while to respond to you. I’m sorry for the death of your mum. Your loss is still very recent so it’s understandable that you’re struggling. The first Christmas can be particularly hard. You might want to read our Coping with grief at Christmas article, which may have some ideas for how you can get through the days.

Many of our members are worried about Christmas so you are not alone - please do keep reaching out.

Take care,