Christmas Eve - My Dad's birthday

Today is my Dad’s birthday. I’m not coping at all. He died in October. I feel so sad and distraught. I’ve been crying all day long. I can’t stop crying I feel so alone. Christmas is my favourite time of the year and it doesn’t feel like Christmas at all. I’m broken.

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Lulu …I’m sorry for your loss of your Dad …Christmas so highlights loss and the emotions of grief become even more intense …you are grieving and it’s important to take care of yourself and be kind to yourself in whichever way you can …not sure if you had seen the thread but lots of us on this sight are lighting a candle at 7 tonight to remember those we have lost together …you are not on your own …birthdays are another milestone arent they I hope you find a way to celebrate your dads in a way that is special to you …my husband is Christmas day …such a sad time …take care xx

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Hi Lulu, I feel your pain. I lost my dad in October, I am struggling with my grief as well. Every day is an uphill battle. Obviously coming on here at this time of night just says I’m not coping, so your not alone in your grief. I light a candle every night and talk to him about how much I miss him. virtual hugs for u, I feel your pain, keep your chin up in these extremely trying times. xxx

Thank you so much Babs - it was a tough day but managed to get through it. I played my songs that reminded me of my Dad. Happy birthday to your husband and take care xo

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I’m so sorry for your loss Julsiep. May your Dad rest in peace. That’s really lovely you light a candle at night. I might try that. Massive virtual hugs to you too and take care xoxo