
I respect that not everyone shares my Christian faith, but I found the following statement about the true meaning of Christmas very comforting, in what is a very difficult time for many of us, who are facing our first Christmas without a loved one to share it with. I hope that it provides some light in the darkness to you too.

Christmas isn’t always a joyous season, and it is important to recognise this. However, let us ponder on this: the birth of Jesus was a quiet affair, lonely for Mary away from family, fearful for Joseph, of a future yet unknown, and yet in the midst of uncertainty was Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. Born to hold us in our suffering and pain and walk beside us in our journeying towards hope.

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Dear Sue,

Thank you for your post. I too have found much comfort in my Christian faith. You may like to listen to this song that I came across a few years ago at Christmas time after I had lost my mum in September. You may need to have some tissues at hand.

This is the link to the story behind the song:

xx Jo