
How was everyone’s Christmas?
Mine all went even more wrong than I thought it would.
My daughter, who has been my rock since losing my husband tested positive on Christmas Eve for Covid, I was supposed to be with them. So haven’t seen many people, I was asked to go to my daughter in laws family…26 people…all abit overwhelming.
Boxing Day I was alone, its been awful…just brings it all home even more…:see_no_evil:

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How sorry I am that your first Christmas turned out to be so lonely. It’s not good when you feel so down and from my own experiences I can only sympathise with you.
Both of our sons said for me to go to them that first Christmas but I couldn’t see that working for me so I booked to go away in an all-inclusive hotel and spent both my birthday and Christmas on my own.
Things do get better but it takes time. The first of everything is difficult on this road we are on and you can say ‘I got through the first Christmas’. It’s not much comfort but yes you have, so be proud and give yourself a gold star :star2: . Stay safe and be proud S xxx

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