
Hi @Bess1 ,yes this trying to exist without our partners is so so hard , the worst . My husband died September 2021, So I’m on to my third year without him and it is still so heartbreaking and lonely without him . I remember new year eve going into 2022, I sobbed and sobbed ,I didn’t want to go into a new year without him , a year he had never lived in ,but no one seemed to understand . Each day it seems he is getting further and further away from me . I know I have to try and live out the rest of my life ,the best I can . But when there is no motivation it’s so hard . I do have adult kids , but I really don’t want to be a burden on them , they need to have a happy life , I had my happy life with their dad . …sending a hug . Xtake carex


Morning broken

I was exactly the same my ‘first NYE 2022/23
I was distraught like you going ahead into a new year a full year without Paul
I came to my in laws Paul’s twin and wife
The London fireworks was due on tv
Paul and I always went to London in our caravan and then motorhome the day after Boxing Day for NYE
We’ve spent hours stood on the pavement opposite the London Eye with thousands of other folk waiting for the Fireworks
Then tickets for event introduced so managed to always get them
Until of course last year

Last year had to leave house took thier dog lollipop for a ‘walk’
I stood just round corner it was pouring down I stood under cover and totally broke my heart

I know this year will be absolutely no different
Paul loved Christmas……
Oh the pain as you know is just indescribable
And for all of us entering another year without them
You are so right couples just don’t know what’s ahead of them
I often wonder how Paul would’ve of coped……

Hugs to all existing this lonely life


I miss my husband so much I wish he could see our grandchildren he adored them he is missing so much breaks my heart

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It’s really sad when you look ahead and see what they will be missing. Try to enjoy what you would have enjoyed together I’m sure he would want you to be happy.
That’s going to be how I try to behave now I am alone, I don’t think my husband would want me to be sad for ever ( I probably will be, but I’ll try to find some comfort) .